Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

few things I'm thankful for...

1. My Husband and My Marriage

I was blessed with an amazing man who came into my life and made my world for the better. He's the best father, I couldn't have hand-picked someone better. He is so incredibly reliable, giving, humble, strong, and will do anything to see his girls smile.

2. My 3 Darling Daughters

Sicilia (6), Cora (18m), and Zoey (6m). Each one such a different personality and all three beautiful. I love being a mom and having 3 little girls. They make me smile so much :)

3. Having a successful career doing something I love...Makeup!

It took years to get to this point... I'm so thankful for all the experiences I've had within this industry. I've done magazines, movies, tv, news, weddings, runways, and my favorite: teaching. To the aspiring makeup artists out there -- it doesn't happen overnight. There's no magical thing you can do to make it happen quickly. Keep pressing on and practice your patience!!

4. The Phoenician Weather

While there are definitely things about where I live that I'm not fond of, in general, the weather is not one of them. It's November 24th and it's about 78 degrees. I'm not a winter girl. I hate the cold... Sure, Arizona summers are brutally hot, but the other 9 months of the year is sheer heaven.

What are some things you are thankful for?

xo Lauren

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